Patient's Rights
You have the right:
To understand and utilize these rights. If for any reason you do not understand or you need help, Transhealth MUST provide assistance, including an interpreter;
To receive treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexuality, national origin, (dis)ability, age, or source of payment.
To receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment, provided in a manner that works to honor your complex and intersecting identities, and consciously addresses and seeks to repair harm done by this and other medical systems;
To expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care will be treated as confidential to the extent permitted by law, especially as these records relate to sensitive information about your sexuality and gender identity;
To receive an itemized bill and explanation of all charges, and to challenge any unexpected or unexplained charges;
To view a list of Transhealth’s standard charges for items and services;
To know the names, positions, and functions of any staff involved in your care and refuse their treatment, examination, or observation at any time for any reason;
To receive complete information about diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis from the provider, where applicable, in terms that are easily understood. If it is medically inadvisable to give such information to you, it will be given to a legally authorized representative;
To review, and obtain a copy of, your medical record without charge;
To receive information necessary for you and/or your legal guardian to give informed consent prior to any procedure or treatment, including a description of the procedure or treatment, any potential risks or benefits, the probable duration of any incapacitation, and any alternatives;
To refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health;
To refuse to take part in research. In deciding whether or not to participate, you have the right to a full explanation;
To designate and / or remove, at any time, providers or organizations to receive medical updates;
To complain without fear of reprisals about the care and services you are receiving and to have Transhealth respond to you and, if you request it, provide a written response. You may refer to our privacy notice for information about the complaint process.