
We can't wait to meet with you!


Transhealth is an independent and comprehensive healthcare center that supports and empowers trans and gender-diverse individuals and families.

Throughout our history as a community, trans and gender-diverse people have looked to each other for healing, support, and affirmation. Transhealth honors that by serving as a source of hope and showing what good gender-affirming healthcare looks like.

As a trans and gender-diverse led organization rooted in Western Massachusetts, we are expanding the healthcare possibilities for our community. Through expert care, education, research, and advocacy, we work to secure a healthy, affirming future for all of us.


We are transforming the world so that trans and gender-diverse individuals are empowered and celebrated as they work with an affirming team to own their healthcare journey.

Our Pillars

Clinical Care

We are devoted to providing comprehensive gender-affirming care across the lifespan. We believe that healthcare is all about curiosity, empowerment, and co-creation. We provide primary care, mental health care, and more!


We are committed to community-based participatory action research. We believe in nothing about us without us. We will never research on; we will research with. We believe that research can empower, but only if we work together and ensure everyone is at the table.


Let’s face it; there are a lot of myths and rumors out there about gender-affirming care. We are here to provide comprehensive education for patients, families, clinicians, emerging health care professionals, and more. If we want to change the healthcare landscape, it starts with changing how we educate.


While Transhealth may sound idyllic, we still exist in a dysfunctional system. We are here to change that. We will advocate to advance gender-affirming care and to create a more humanistic and holistic healthcare system. We will continually fight for a more just form of healthcare.

Our Foundation

Community is the foundation of everything we do. Our services and programs are rooted in our unyielding commitment to supporting and strengthening the trans and gender-diverse community.

Our Values

What We Offer

We have a world-class team that provides primary care, gender-affirming hormonal care, and mental healthcare.

How We Started

Transhealth has its roots in the experience of two Western Massachusetts LGBTQIA+ community leaders. Tired of driving two to three hours to a city for certain types of gender-affirming care, they dreamed of creating a comprehensive center for gender-affirming care in Western Massachusetts. With the generous support of family, this dream became a reality.

The first step in founding the center was to build a team to conduct a study of local needs known as The PATH Project (Plan and Act for Transgender Health). This needs assessment was conducted as a partnership between local gender-diverse community members and staff from The Fenway Institute, Cooley Dickinson Health Care, and Harvard Medical School to ensure that as many voices as possible contributed to the foundation of the center. The goal of PATH was to reach as many people who typically don’t get their needs taken into consideration. Based on the needs assessment, the center could offer the services that people actually want and need with a commitment to always listen and respond to the community.

With the study complete, and the needs of the community clearly defined, Transhealth was born, opening its doors in May 2021. From there, Transheath team and the number of patients they serve has continued to grow.

Our Team

The Transhealth team is a proud, hardworking, and committed group of mostly trans and gender-diverse individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving our community. Our team gets it. They know the struggle, they know the joy, and they are committed to supporting you in being your authentic self and receiving the affirming, compassionate healthcare you deserve.

Transhealth is led by CEO Joan Erwin (any pronouns) and COO Celia Overby (she/her). Joan is a registered nurse with decades of experience as both a healthcare provider and high-level executive with proven success guiding organizations through strategic expansion. As a gender-non-conforming lesbian with non-binary children, Joan brings an unyielding passion for removing barriers to quality healthcare. Celia is an expert systems thinker who excels at strategic development, high-level operations, and the implementation of complex and multi-faceted growth. A steadfast supporter of the trans and gender-diverse community, Celia wholeheartedly believes everyone should have a place where they can bring their whole selves, belong, and flourish.

Board of Directors