A November 14, 2024 article in MassLive by Aprell May Munford entitled Exhibition at Holyoke Public Library elevates gender diverse voices showcased the grand opening of TRANScend Massachusetts. [Photo credit: Aprell May Munford]

The TRANScend Massachusetts exhibition which celebrates the lives of Latinx Trans people in Western Massachusetts marks Transgender Awareness Month and runs through Dec. 20 at the Holyoke Public Library.

Here are some excerpted quotes from the article. We invite you read the entire article here.

“Our stories are incredibly important. They help people to understand who we are even if it is very scary for us to lose our privacy. Trans-people have existed in every culture across the world. We have always been here, and we are not going anywhere.”
~ June Velez, featured participant

“It is hate and fear that lead to the physical, verbal and psychological violence toward this community. That hate leads transgender women of color to be murdered before they turn 35 and that is a fact.”
~ Eunice Avilés Faría, founder of Transcending Identities and creator of the exhibit

“The stories in the exhibition are from resilient and inspiring neighbors, friends, family members and colleagues right here in western Massachusetts.”
~ Celia Overby, chief operating officer at Transhealth

“They have a better mental health, less depression, fewer suicide attempts and a higher life satisfaction [when they have support of family]. They are people just like you and me. They have goals, dreams and aspirations. Transgender people want to be respected and treated with dignity.”
~ Marybel Delgado, the parent of a transgender person

“We will not stay silent. We will fight to the very end,” he said. “There’s no going back to that closet. We have made it this far.”
~ Juan C. Anderson-Burgos, Holyoke city councilor

“We are human beings. We ride together … we’re going to thrive together, build this community together. … you belong here.” ~ Holyoke Mayor Joshua A. Garcia

“With trans lives everywhere under threat, it is crucial that we fight back in ways that promote visibility, community, inclusivity and justice. This powerful exhibition and the educational tools that accompany it are a big step towards promoting the kind of collective humanity, kindness and understanding we need to see more of in these divisive times.”
~ Joan Erwin, chief executive officer of Transhealth

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