Welcome to the TRANScend Massachusetts Speaker Series. Free and open to the public these events are designed to provide information, educational opportunities, and support and community for a wide range of audiences. To attend, just show up or RSVP to info@transhealth.org

The TRANScend Massachusetts exhibition is organized by Transcending Identities director Dr. Eunice Avilés Faría, PsyD, LMHC, LPC, and Transhealth, and funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. TRANScend Massachusetts sponsors include: Colorful Resilience, House of Colors, Out Now, Tapestry, Translate Gender, and the UMass Stonewall Center.

Gender Identity 101. (Hybrid Event)
Saturday, Nov. 23, 1:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Holyoke Public Library Community Room
Presented by J Aleah Nesteby, FNP, Transhealth
What is gender identity? What does it mean to be transgender? How do people know if they are transgender? We will look at the basics of what “gender identity” is all about.
RSVP at info@transhealth.org to reserve your seat or get Zoom link. Or show up at the door.

Families United by Diversity Support Group
Marybel Delgado, Leader. Guided Tour of the TRANScend MA exhibit followed by support group
Families United by Diversity is a parent group where people can meet in a safe space and express and have safe respectful discussions. Families United by Diversity’s mission is to support, educate, empower, advocate and provide resources to parents/ families of children that identify with the LGBTQIA+ community. To promote awareness and provide with respect to the issues faced by the LGBTQIA+ community. We are the voice of those that society often neglects, forgets, ignores, and discriminates against.
Thursday, Dec. 5, 6:00PM – 8:00PM
Holyoke Public Library First Floor
RSVP at info@transhealth.org to reserve your seat. Or show up at the door.

Q&A with the Exhibition’s Participants, Followed by a Guided Exhibition Tour
Bilingual event- English/Spanish
Saturday, Dec. 7, 1:00PM – 3:30PM
Holyoke Public Library Community Room
RSVP at info@transhealth.org to reserve your seat. Or show up at the door.

Combatting Disinformation About Trans Healthcare (Hybrid Event)
Thursday, Dec. 12, 6:00PM -8:00PM EST
Holyoke Public Library Community Room
Presented by Mel DeSilva, Director of Development and Communications, Transhealth
Anyone interested in learning how to combat misinformation about the transgender and gender-diverse community should attend this event. You will learn how to respond to uninformed comments and myths.
RSVP at info@transhealth.org to reserve your seat or get Zoom link. Or show up at the door.

The Power of Family Acceptance: Loving and Embracing our Transgender Children and Youth.  (Hybrid Event)
Thursday, Dec. 19, 6:00PM – 8:00PM EST
Holyoke Public Library
Presented by Dr. Eunice Aviles, Creator of Transcend Massachusetts & Exhibition’s participants
Acceptance is about really taking care of our transgender and gender-diverse youth. In this workshop, Dr. Avilés will take us through a journey of how to get to the final goal of accepting our youth and why. The struggles to get there will be validated as we move to work towards greater acceptance of who our trans and gender-diverse youth are so that we can help them navigate, with compassion, the process of safely getting their gender-related needs met.
RSVP at info@transhealth.org to reserve your seat or get Zoom link. Or show up at the door.

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