On Monday, President Trump issued a cruel and harmful executive order to roll back federal recognition of, and legal protections for, trans and gender-diverse people.

This attack on our community seeks to sow fear, chaos, and confusion, and will do nothing to improve the lives of everyday Americans, further dividing our nation. All people should have the right to live as their authentic selves, free from discrimination and harmful government overreach. 

While we await more information, analysis, and action from our legal partners, we want to make it clear that most of the directives in this executive order are not able to take immediate effect, although you may find it difficult to get your gender-marker changed through the social security office or on a passport. Much of what is in this executive order will require rulemaking or other processes before it can be implemented, and many of the directives will face legal challenges. A president cannot rewrite laws or ignore constitutional protections. 

We want to assure you that we have the fiercest advocates in our corner at the local, state, and federal levels, along with the most brilliant legal minds working tirelessly on the case – organizations like Advocates for Trans Equality, the ACLU, GLAD Law, Lambda Legal, and the Transgender Law Center. 

Let me be clear. No piece of paper, no president, no government can deny the truth and beauty of our lives. Trans and gender-diverse people have always existed, continue to exist, and are not going anywhere. We will continue to fight together, in community as we always have, for dignity, humanity, respect, and the fundamental right to be ourselves.

As we have more information about what this executive order will mean for our community, we will be in touch. In the meantime, know that Transhealth is here for you and your current access to the essential healthcare you need and deserve remains unaffected.

In Solidarity, 

Jo Erwin (any pronouns), RN, BSN

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